Do you have vintage film cameras passed down to you just sitting in your attic, basement, or closet? Or maybe it’s time to sell your old film camera and get a new one? We buy and consign vintage film cameras!


If you have cameras and gear that you simply want to get rid of, donate it and we will find an appropriate home for it! Sometimes this means it goes into the hands of a student learning film photography, sometimes we use it ourselves, and sometimes it goes into our free box where a lucky customer will find it.

If you have a good student camera that you want to donate to Santa Rosa High School ArtQuest Photography, you can do so through the school and get a tax write off — or you can leave it with us and we will make sure it goes to a student.


Most of our cameras are sold on consignment. Usually these are cameras which are on the more expensive side.

Our commission on all consignment items is 40%.

We will communicate with you regarding what you want out of the camera, however all selling prices are decided and finalized by us. We have extensive knowledge and experience in this field, and we also have a reputation for selling quality working cameras at fair and accurate costs.

All consignment cameras see our repair technician before they become available to buy. This is to ensure the camera is functioning well and we can sell it with confidence. This checkup from our repair tech costs about $20 per camera, though depending on the amount of gear this cost may vary — we can give you a more accurate quote in person. This fee goes directly to our repair technician for his time and expertise. We require payment up front for any necessary repairs.

Every camera is unique. We take into account the type, model, condition, and market for each camera, lens, or other equipment in our decision on whether we can sell it and for how much.

You can decide to take your camera back at any time. If the camera isn’t selling within a reasonable amount of time (this varies), we may decide to return the camera to you.

We sell cameras and lenses in our brick and mortar store as well as online through our Etsy shop.


Sometimes we will buy cameras or gear outright. This depends on what you want to sell and what condition it is in. Each situation is unique and we use our extensive knowledge and experience to decide pricing and what is worth it for us.